Monday, December 26, 2011

Motorcycle snatching in the city

Hijacking or stealing of motorbikes increased in the capital city triggering a grave concern among the motorcycle owners.

The use of motorcycle in the city increased many times higher then before for various reasons for the last few years.

Everyday on an average 8 to 10 motorbike was stolen or stanched from various parts in the city. Police could not stop the stealing any how.

The duty of police got finished by record a general diary (GD) after the stealing.

The aggrieved people alleged that police did not give importance to recover stealing motorcycle. However, if any motorcycle of police personnel stolen then they recovered it within two to three days.

The number of motorcycle snatching increased in the capital in an extreme rate which makes motorcycle owner worried. So they could not stay in relax after parking their motorcycle in front of the home. They became concerned everywhere.

Even criminals snatched motorcycle by breaking the lock of collapsible gate of the resident.

Victims of motorcycle stealing alleged that they informed to police soon after the stealing incident but from police said first file a case and then they will take action. But the motorcycle goes far away till filing the case and appointing an investigator of the case.

Police have records of various stealing vehicles including car but they do not have any records of motorcycle stealing.

In recent, Dhaka Metropolitan Police gave importance on car stealing but they did not give importance on motorcycle stealing.

A businessman of old town Rokib Hasan came to the emergency department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital few days ago. He came in a motorcycle while his relative came in an ambulance. He went into the medical with his relative but when he come back found his motorcycle is gone.

He said that he went inside the medical just for five minutes. Police told him to make complain regarding this matter.

But he said that another motorcycle of mine was stolen from Shahbagh area few months ago and he made complain with the Shahbagh police station but he did not get any result.

The result will be same this time, so no need to do complain with police, he said.

An employee of a private organization Zahir Raihan said that few months ago his new motorcycle of Bajaj Discovery was stolen from his garage while he brought it only few days ago.

He said in the morning he found the motorcycle was stolen and collapsible gate of his building was broken.

On august, a Yamaha fazer motorcycle of Mohamamd Shariatullah, reporter of Sheershanews was stolen from the Nagor Bhaban.

Shariatullah alleged that he informed the matter to police but they told his to go police station.

He went to the police station to file case but police said as he does not know the name of thieves so they could not file any case, he added.

He said that later police record a general diary regarding the matter.

Few months ago miscreants in a gunpoint snatched the Palsar motorcycle of Kamaluddin from in front of IDB Bhaban in Agargaon.

Many motorcycles of medical representative were stolen from in front of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and other medical.

On 3 July, a motorcycle of journalist Dr Awrongojeb was stolen from Badda area. He filed a case on the same night but police visited the spot after six days.

Detective Branch of police arrested some motorcycle thieves.

On DB police interrogation, they said that they do target to new motorcycle mainly those motorcycle was not register yet. They sent those stolen motorcycle outside the capital soon after the steal.

They stole motorcycle at night because the road became free on that time and it is easy for them to left the place quickly.

They made fake papers of those motorcycles and sold it to outside the capital.

Mir Shohidul Islam, joint commissioner of DMP said that the number of motorcycle stealing in the capital rises in an alarming rate.

So that a motorcycle Car theft prevention team was formed few months ago, he added.

He also said that this team recovered some motorcycle from various places.
A member of car theft prevention team said that by taking information about a stealing car we can managed to recover cars but it is tough to recovered motorcycle after stolen because most of the motorcycle was sent outside the capital soon after stealing.


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