Biking bandits worry bank-goers

A number of bike-riding gangs are in operation in the capital, snatching cash and kind from people going to or coming out of banks in daylight banditry.

Residential Hotel Safe heaven for Criminals

Under the nose of the law enforcers criminals used residential hotel as their safe place of doing various crime by hiding their real identity.

Cyber crime on Rise

Cyber crime as a serious organised offence has got a spurt in the country under the very nose of the ministry concerned, with online fraud and criminal acts taking a sharp upturn.

Motorcycle snatching in the city

Hijacking or stealing of motorbikes increased in the capital city triggering a grave concern among the motorcycle owners.

Security Guards poses security risk

Security guards working in private houses or apartments in the capital are usually recruited without proper verification of their identities, including their present and permanent addresses.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fake note production targeting EID

Production of fake notes happens round the year but before the two Eids it reaches the peak, because of people spend a lot of money on shopping during the time.

The forgers syndicate are making huge note targeting the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha. They specially forged the notes of Tk 100, Tk 500 and Tk 1,000 denomination.

The counterfeiters have also released fake notes of Indian rupees and US dollars.

Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Molla Nazrul Islam of Detective Branch of Police said, “The forger’s syndicates produced fake round the year but now they are making note targeting the holy Eid as trading of money goes up higer then any time.”

“On Tuesday we have seized huge materials, around 100 crore fake notes can be made with this materials,” he added.

He informed that the forger made two types of fake notes, one is printed fake note and another one is washed fake note.

“Printed fake notes are made with new papers while the washed notes are made by washing original notes. A Tk 100 note (nearly equal in size of Tk 500) is rubbed off by chemicals, later they turn it into a Tk 500 note” he added.

He also said, “The counterfeiter are now making the new notes of Tk 500 and Tk 1,000 denomination as these notes recently came out in the marker and people have very little idea about these notes.”

“We have information that about 7 to 8 groups are making still making counterfeit money,” he added.

He also said, “I hope soon we can busted some others fake note making factory.”

The production of counterfeit are very easy as it requires small place and smaller investment so people involved in this illegal business, said a police official.

The police official also said, a laptop, a colour printer, some particular paper, chemicals and some other materials are enough to produce fake notes.

Polash, 27, arrested by DB police on Tuesday with links to note forgery, said he sell fake notes of Tk 100,000 for Tk 11,000 to other party while he brought it Tk 10,000.

Nowadays fake note are detected in various places including automated teller machine (ATM) booths, shops and banks.

“Everyday we get 8-10 fake notes at the counter and before the Eid we get 15-20 notes daily,” said Abdullah Al Mamun, an official of The City Bank, Kaligonj branch in Keranigonj.

Jahangir, working at Samsung care as logistics assistants, said “last month I withdraw Tk 10,000 from a booth of Duch Bangla Bank Ltd located in Kalyanpur area and found a fake note of Tk 1000.”

He alleged that as he found the fake note in ATM booth, he have nothing to do.

“If I complained to the bank they will said they didn’t give any fake note” he aded.

Like Jahangir many people alleged that they found fake notes several times while they withdraw money from the ATM booths.

Md Salahuddin, a maintenance operator of ATM booth said, that “before refilled the money into ATM booth we checked most of the notes and almost everyday we found 4-5 fake notes.”

According to a DB official, so far this year they have been arrested 30 people with links to note forgery.


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